Crystal Clear Training - video based learning

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Focus on GxPs

Everyone needs to be reminded to keep their focus on their job—and FOCUS on GXPs is the perfect way to make sure that happens. These six real-world DVD programs are based on actual incidents and shot in a pharmaceutical manufacturing facility. They show what can happen when employees lose their focus on the job.

What's FOCUS? It's used as an acronym that encourages people to:

F– Focus on their job Focus on the job at hand. Give it all your attention. Don't let yourself be distracted or preoccupied with something else. Talk to everyone involved with the job so all of you clearly understand what's to be done.

O– Organize their work Organize your work so well that you won't have a chance to make mistakes. A well-organized workplace helps you stay error free.

C– Check their procedures Check the SOPs for the job. Don't do the job until you've checked those all-important operating procedures. They're your guide for consistent work.

U– Use the right tools and equipment; wear the appropriate clothing Use the right tools and equipment for the job. Make sure that they're in good condition. And wear the proper clothing required for the job.

S– Sum up the job when it's complete Did you do the job as intended? Did you document the work properly? It's a chance to ensure you followed all the FOCUS steps before you leave any job.

Focus on GxPs is a comprehensive scenario-based set of videos similar to the dated but popular standard You'll soon feel better.

  • Video content includes:
  • DVD 1: "Focus is Key"
  • DVD 2: "A Failure to Communicate"
  • DVD 3: "Check and Double Check"
  • DVD 4: "Correct It or Report It"
  • DVD 5: "Something’s Gotta Give"
  • DVD 6: "Control Room??"
  • Video Runtime: 10 - 12 Minutes each
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